Create opportunities for youth-led dialogue that generates alternative narratives, and provides next generations with the skills to build together more open, resilient communities.


Exciting News for all IANS collaborators! We started a regional program on crime prevention and youth resilience. Institute for Activism and Social Change is partnering with Shelter for DV and GBV Victims “E.


training manual, will be dedicated to practices that aim building a model of Community Based Safety (CBS) by UZD BiH as a strategy to create safety in communities, as multipronged, relationship-based model in which residents are employed and trained as public safety professionals to create safety in their own neighbourhoods[1] By addressing youth problems and constrains the manual will include pillars that address: new definition of public safety; an approach anchored by experts operating with procedures, processes, and protocols;


life skills training manual was prepared by Peer Education Network (PEN Kosovo); ait it aimed to provide youth with new knowledge and the opportunity to apply skills in a safe environment for the successful transitioning to the adulthood[1] with a focus on practical examples, real-life scenarios, and experiential learning.


[1] Please refer to:


youth resilience for trainers and practitioners was prepared by the Shelter “Edlira Haxhiymeri”[1], as a resource for frontline practitioners and trainers in providing psychosocial support for young men living in vulnerable or unstable situations. The manual guides professionals in managing psychosocial support programs and sets out a two-day training workshop with psychosocial staff supporting youth in difficult contexts. The manual provides models of positive coping mechanisms and resilience


For over 10 weeks, IANS in partnership with Municipality of Durres, educational directorates and schools in urban and rural administrative units of Durres Region was able to identify, invite, engage and train over 122 young boys and girls through an “after school program” - “Peace and Resilience” (PR Program).


IANS is part of a New initiative on youth engagement #tiranayouthcapital2022